The Hack Pack

This is a club for people that love horses, socializing and getting out about. What will the club do? The members themselves will organize events throughout the year that you and your horse can go to. These can include trips to the beach, hacks and BBQ’s, trail rides. Trips to visit major shows or events, maybe even weekends away.

Events are organized by the members for the members. Members can also invite guests to our days out. A calendar will be able to be viewed on the Website.

Who can Join?

This club is open to all levels of riders and ages. You don’t have to based, here in the yard at Balcultry Stables. Members must agree to help organize events. Transport can be organized for the horses if there are enough members interested. Membership for the Club is Free but you must have Insurance with Countryside Alliance Insurance, which costs E45 for adults and E25 for teenagers. It’s renewed annually. Application forms can be found on our website.

How to Join.

1. Fill out The Hack Club application form. 2. Fill out the Countryside Alliance insurance form or attach your current cover. 3. Enclose the fee. Adults E45 or Teenagers E25. Cheques need to be made out to the Countryside Alliance Ireland 4. Return all of the above to Balcultry Stables, Balcultry Road, Swords, Co Dublin.

Hack Club Membership application form

Membership form CAI Insurance

Events Calander: TBC

Insurance Details:

Countryside Alliance Ireland membership benefits include: Personal Accident Insurance – cover for a range of benefits including accidental death at £15,000 (£7,500 if under 19 years of age) and permanent total disablement at £30,000 (NB benefits payable in euro) Employers’ Liability – Limit of indemnity €12,000,000 Public/Products Liability – Limit of indemnity €12,000,000 Group Liability – Limit of indemnity €12,000,000 The current list of recognised activities as approved by the Countryside Alliance Ireland Board is as follows:- Taking part legally in riding, horse drawn carriage driving, hunter trials, exercising hounds, lurcher work, whippet racing, terrier work, dog shows, hound trailing, hunting (including hunt followers), team chasing, shooting including sporting shooting, clay pigeon shooting, rifle shooting, target shooting, angling (including sea, coarse and game angling) deer stalking, falconry, ferreting, vermin control, field trials and conservation work. Some of the main points to note in relation to the group insurance cover are: All landowners are indemnified under the group policy in connection with the ‘Recognised Activity’ – see Employers’, Public & Products Liability Insurance summary. Each individual within the Group is also entitled to the above cover in their own capacity carrying out any of the recognised activities. Regarding Guests, there is no restriction on the number of guests the group can have on any one occasion. However, we do require that you maintain a record of those guests and submit their names and addresses to us within 7 days of their visit on a guest registration form.