Whether you are a recreational rider or are looking to gain your BHS qualifications this award will be for you! Take advantage of this course whilst you can and come to learn with us in a welcoming and friendly environment.

The BHS Ride Safe Silver Challenge Award is required for all those who wish to proceed down the BHS Career Pathways. It is also a requirement for procession to the C+ Test in the Irish Pony Club (as an alternative to the IPC Road Safety Exam)

* Note; The BHS education department does not except certs from the IPC Road Safety test.

The day will cover all elements of the award and will culminate in a final assessment to achieve certification. 

We will provide the horses /ponies that you can ride and take the assessment on. 

Time: 10am to 3.30pm. Tea and coffee are provided. Please bring a lunch with you. 

Cost: Training, assessment certifications and booklets e165 per student. A payment link will be forwarded to you.

We will let you know by email, what to bring and wear for the day. It will be sent to you nearer the date of the assessment. 

The course will be ran by Catriona Monks Walsh BHS Senior Coach Stage 4 & Stage 5 Business, APC and Ride Safe Trainer. Contact Catriona to book email balcultrystables@gmail.com. Booking application form click ‘HERE