BHS Stage 2 Care Theory Zoom
Balcultry Stables , IrelandBHS Stage 2 Care Understand the routine practices on a stable yard, your role, responsibilities and reporting lines. Theory online classes
BHS Stage 2 Care Understand the routine practices on a stable yard, your role, responsibilities and reporting lines. Theory online classes
Challenge Awards Silver Riding Out Safely. 1st Ride exam for the Stage 1 assessment. Zoom Wednesday 20th March and Ride on 27th March at the Stables. Email Catriona to book
Lunge Stage 2 Training 3 Sessions on Saturdays at the Stables . e36 per class
Open to all levels. Aimed at 10 years and older. Monday Evenings 7pm 3 weeks starting 8th April 2024. 1hr 15mins. Covering Health & Safety, Horse Health & Feeding, Behaviour & identification of horses, handling and leading, Grooming, Tack and Equipment. A quiz will be held at the end of Read more…
Challenge Awards Silver Riding Out Safely. 1st Ride exam for the Stage 1 assessment. Zoom Wednesday 24th and Ride on 26th June at the Stables. Email Catriona to book 165€